Saturday, January 11, 2014

Blogging Day 11 *How does It Works Global pay*

Making money with It Works Global is possible.  It can be easy or it can be hard, this just depends on your work ethic and your work effort.  In this business, the product basically sells itself.  The only problem is YOU have to bring your clients in.  Like all things, this isn't for everyone.  So you have to be able to market and sell yourself as well.  

****In order to earn commission, you must have your auto shipment turned on.****  The products on your auto shipment must be equal to or greater than 80 BV, which means bonus volume.  To make things easier, 2 boxes of wraps is 80 BV.  (You want the two boxes on hand at all times because you never know when you will have to do a demonstration or anything like that.  You can't sell from an empty wagon.)  

So, 2 boxes of wraps for you as a distributor is $59 x 2= $118 plus tax.  You in turn, sell those wraps individually at $25-$45 whichever suits you, then you are making anywhere between $200-$360 for those 2 boxes minus the fee that you've paid.  But that's not your commission.  That's what I like to call your "on hand money".  I prefer to do parties, which allow me to have enough people to get all my money back at one time. 

You want 4 loyal customers at all times.  With your auto shipment and your customer's auto shipment, you should be making a minimum of 400 GV (Group Volume).  80BV x 5= 400GV.  Simple math.  And you will make a percentage off of that.   Your percentage depends on your rank, see diagram above.  It is not limited to those figures, but these figures are based off the minimum of 400GV.  

If you have any questions about anything I've explained, ask me!!!  I hope I haven't made anything confusing.  Email me at or comment on this blog.  Tomorrow I will tell you how to receive the bonuses. 

Be blessed friends, 

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