Friday, January 24, 2014

Blogging Day 21-24 **Please forgive me**

So, this is no excuse because I really did have time, BUT I was traveling yesterday.  I am in Oklahoma and I was so excited about seeing my friend, America, for the first time since 2001!  Yes, that is her real name, LOL..   Anyways, forgive me for not writing for Day 21.

Now for Day 22, let's talk about this bonus!!  I really really really really really could use this $10,000.  Unfortunately, my friends don't see the vision.  They don't understand the products, and some don't want to understand.  I see the bigger picture and I really want the promotion to Diamond, and I really want that $10,000 bonus.  I can see me paying off two credit cards, and putting some money in the bank for a rainy day.  What can you do with an extra $10,000?  I need 5 business partners, well actually, I need 4 now.  So, I need 4 business partners who are SERIOUS about this.  And I need them to start making moves NOW.  March 31st is just around the corner.

Day 23 & 24, I finally did what I came out here to do, go to court.  I was supposed to testify in a court case (which I prefer not to talk about) and it lasted FOREVER!!! With this hotel's horrible wi-fi connection and my extreme exhausted state, I did not write at all.  HOWEVER; lets get back to the bonuses... LOL...   Just joking.  But I will put a reminder in all my electronic devices to remind me to update this blog.  I enjoy writing it, I just have to remember to write it.  Well anyways, have a blessed day friends.


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